
“It is amazing what the body can do when you do the right thing. And when you find that right thing,  the results are incredible, immediate and measurable.”

Be Activated is a cutting-edge system of working with the body.   It’s all about triggering small, simple changes that allows the body to make magnificent, massive shifts. It’s a reset button, and builds resilience, allowing the body to move out of a state of tension and pain, into a strong and relaxed state of excellent performance. 

Whether your a physiotherapist helping people in pain,  a fitness instructor wanting to engage your class, or an elite athlete looking for an edge, the Be Activated philosophy will change they way you work.

 And the result is a body in a beautiful activated state, able to reach it’s full potential.

So how does it work? Well, in order to survive you have two priorities; to breath and to move. (in order to find breakfast and a warm bed…) And your body is brilliant at meeting those priorities, despite bombarded by  huge amounts of everyday stresses, both physical and mental. 

But when you hold stress it gets locked into your body. You still find ways to move and breath,  but your body starts compensating. You start using the wrong muscles for the job, and your brain can’t communicate with your muscles correctly anymore.  Worse, unless you’ve had a major, obvious injury, those compensations are subtle and go unnoticed for years. But at best the result is loss of energy, and at worst, chronic pain.

When you understand how easy it is for this to happen, it becomes clear how quickly the situation can be reversed.

The Be Activated system always starts by testing what your body is doing now. This means that changes can be clearly measured. It’s done by simple muscle resistance and strength tests. 

The next step is to encourage the body to breathe correctly, and then lastly the right muscles can be encouraged to go back to doing their correct job. This is done by simple muscles activations.

Critically, once activated,  the body and brain can communicate clearly again about which muscles perform what roles. And everything can immediately go back to working at full capacity, with full energy. 

But it’s important to add that this isn’t about studying some simple techniques nicely and sitting back, qualified. It’s about listening to the body in front of you at that moment, honouring what it needs, and daring to assume every day ‘what if everything I know to be true is wrong’. Because then it’s possible to really learn.