North Ferriby
North Ferriby, East Riding of Yorkshire HU14 3LG

At Level One you’ll be introduced to the concepts of Be Activated.
We’ll consider the body’s response to stress, and study the body’s relaxation process. We’ll link this to Activation techniques.
You’ll be guided through the Activation sequenced treatment process, from the trunk through to the lower and upper limbs.
You’ll get to experience every concept and Activation technique yourself, and with plenty of time for practice, questions…and more practice, so you can really integrate the system. The science comes second. You need to feel the difference yourself.
I want you to leave feeling fully equipped to apply the techniques with your clients,confident in achieving lasting results.
These techniques offer an incredibly powerful toolkit that is not confined to the clinic; they can be applied anywhere at anytime.
The course is sometimes delivered in a room with plinths, and sometimes mats are used if plinths are not available. If you have difficultly getting on and off the floor please let us know, as using mats may not be appropriate.
There will be lots to discuss on day one, so if sitting for longer periods is troublesome, you may need to stand and move about. Feel free! The course gets practical and hands-on in the afternoon of Day 1, and throughout most of Day 2.